The Justice League Proves Superman Gives DC's Best [SPOILER]

The Justice league

Superman has always been portrayed as a hero who exemplifies kindness, generosity, and goodwill. This is particularly emphasized around Christmas time when the Man of Steel volunteers to give gifts to children and the needy, essentially filling Santa Claus’ role (although Saint Nick is actually a real person in the DC Universe).

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At one point, however, Superman decided to give gifts to people he has a personal connection to – his fellow Justice League members. In Superman #165, Superman paid a visit to all the main members of the current roster of the JLA to offer them some holiday cheer – and show his more lighthearted, humorous side.

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The story began on the moon at Justice League headquarters where Superman spent some time hanging out with Martian Manhunter and Plastic Man. The visit was not completely joyous as Lex Luthor had recently been elected President of the United States, making Superman wonder if the JLA could have done anything to stop Luthor’s ascension to power.

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Martian Manhunter spent some time teaching Superman some relaxation techniques (which involved hanging upside down), while Plastic Man managed to get Superman to smile when he claimed the only thing worse than having Luthor as president was having two Lex Luthor's as president. In thanks, Superman left Plas a bunch of rubber bands as a Christmas gift and a box of Chocos cookies for the Martian Manhunter. (Considering J’onn was basically addicted to Chocos cookies and once went into a violent withdrawal phase when he was denied them, this may have not been the smartest choice for Superman – although J’onn certainly appreciated them).

Superman next journeyed under the sea to pay a visit to Aquaman. While Arthur Curry also had misgivings about Luthor, he admitted to supporting Luthor’s willingness to open trade between Atlantis and the surface world. Although Superman wasn’t happy about this, he left on good terms – giving Aquaman a snow globe of Metropolis as a keepsake (considering the snowglobe somehow managed to survive the crushing depths of the ocean, Clark must have enhanced its structure somehow at the Fortress of Solitude).

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Clark’s next two gifts are also in the “gag gift” category. He spent some time knocking debris out of Earth’s orbit with Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) and gave the ring-bearing hero a small jar of ring polish as a holiday gift. Next, he participated in an impromptu race with the Flash (Wally West) as they ran across America’s heartland to San Francisco. Upon arriving, Superman wished Flash happy holidays and gave him his gift – tube socks!

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Superman’s gift to the final two Justice Leaguers – and arguably his closest superhero friends – were more heartfelt. He spent some time sparring with Wonder Woman in Antarctica to burn off some of his lingering frustration about Luthor. After taking Diana’s advice about spending some more time with Lois, Clark thanked her by giving her a golden chain with a miniature Mjolnir. Considering Wonder Woman had actually wielded Thor’s hammer during the Marvel vs. DC crossover event, this gift had a particularly special meaning for her.

Finally, Superman visited Batman in Gotham. In contrast to his earlier meetings, this one was largely somber – with Batman only briefly breaking the silence to remind his friend that they needed to trust in the American people to do what was right, and when the time was right, they would take Luthor down. In gratitude, Superman handed Batman a magnifying glass (telling him it was from Lois). Reinvigorated, Superman then got to enjoy his Christmas present – a two-day vacation with Lois Lane in the bottle city of Kandor where the red sun radiation allowed him to enjoy life as a normal man.

By turns funny and affectionate, Superman’s gifts showcase how much he cares about his friends. While some might expect a man who can literally crush coal into diamonds to offer something more extravagant, in Superman’s case, it’s the thought that truly counts – and the reminder that Superman is first and foremost a really good friend.

Next: Superman DESTROYS Iron Man in Marvel/DC Crossover Art


Hawkeye is Trending on Twitter For All The Wrong Reasons During Protests

Over the weekend, the term "Hawkeye" started to trend on Twitter, but it wound up having nothing to do with either the character from the MCU or the actor who played him,Jeremy Renner. Instead, it turned out to be due to an individual who drove to the downtown area of Salt Lake City during one of the protests and got out of the car brandishing a bow and arrow. Hawkeye, the bow-wielding member of the Avengers, has been in five of the MCU films and has been awaiting a solo adventure, which will eventually debut on Disney+.

The Black Lives Matter protests, which have spread across the United States since the death ofGeorge Floyd, have been witness to incidents ranging from peaceful moments between protestors and police to violent clashes and looting. With video-capable smartphones now ubiquitous, scenes are being captured and posted to social media within moments of their occurrence. Some of those scenes have included costumed heroes like Batman joining alongside the protestors.

Related: Superman Stands With Protesters Against Police Brutality

However, when Hawkeye started trending, it became clear this wasn't a case of a cosplayer stepping in, but rather a motorist blocked in traffic by one of the protests. On getting out of his car, he took out a compound bow and an arrow and nocked it while protestors called for him to put it away. Various videos recorded the incident showing him drawing the bow and attempting to aim at demonstrators. As he did so, protestors managed to close in and tackle McCormick. Using his bow as his weapon of choice quickly earned him the social media nickname of Hawkeye.

Several protestors had rushed to the police line to let them know about the incident, with several officers moving and taking custody of the individual (who later identified himself in an interview as Brandon McCormick). Meanwhile, protestors purportedly flipped his vehicle and set it ablaze. In the interview, McCormick expressed that protestors had reached through his car's window and assaulted him before he exited his vehicle. Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall later made a statement regarding the incident expressing that detectives had collected sufficient information and were planning to file charges against McCormick in the days ahead.

No arrow-related injuries were reported by the protestors, somewhat debunking the Hawkeye moniker, since his primary superpower is being unable to miss his target. So far, the protests around the country continue to reverberate, with more incidents of violence being documented and reported.

More: John Cusack Shares Video Of Altercation With Chicago Police During Protests

Source: Twitter


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Elmo In Flames Meme Becomes Real-Life At A Protest in Philadelphia

The famous "Elmo Rise" meme has sprung into real life at a protest in Philadelphia. The meme, sometime referred to as "Hellmo," is a fan favorite on the Internet, especially in the last few months. It features the classicSesame Streetcharacter Elmo, photoshopped over rising flames. It pops up often on social media, sometimes as a reaction gif. However, as is often the case with memes, users sometimes add other characters or text to "Elmo Rise," with one popular version featuring SpongeBob SquarePants.

Ironically, another popular meme on the Internet also has flames: the arguably even more famous "This Is Fine," which shows a dog sitting in a house burning around him. That meme has also only become more relevant this year, as the coronavirus has taken hold. That particular meme originally came from a webcomic, before reappearing as the now well-known meme a year later. All told, memes can provide social media users with the perfect reaction to whatever situation they're in. They also show the creativity of the collective Internet, with the same image remaining fresh and funny just because of the context it's used in.

Related:The Origin Of The Spider-Man Pointing Meme

The "Elmo Rise" meme received some added attention this weekend, thanks to a protester dressed as Elmo. In photos shared by various Twitter users, a person wearing an Elmo costume head stands in front of a burning object with his fist in the air, making the "Elmo Rise" meme come to life. One user even provided a side-by-side comparison of Philly Elmo and the meme. Check out a selection of photos below:

This isn't the first time pop culture has factored into this weekend's protests. Also in Philadelphia, an individual dressed as Batman took to the streets to cheers from the crowd. One Twitter user even pointed out the scene was reminiscent of one of Bane and Batman's fights in The Dark Knight Rises. Meanwhile, Marvel character Hawkeye got some attention for the wrong reasons, trending on Twitter after a man shot an arrow into the crowd, terrifying nearby individuals who were protesting peacefully.

It's not surprising to see pop culture play a role in a key moment like this one and also shows the importance of social media. During this weekend's protests, it was an important resource for sharing information, as well as photos and videos. It also allowed separate protests across the nation to remain connected to a common cause. Though the "Elmo Rise" photos may not make quite as much of an impact as others shared this weekend, it's impressive to see people finding humor during a stressful time.

More: Avengers: Endgame's "These Are Confusing Times" Hulk Meme Explained

Source: Blackrock Wednesday, S. Rifai, Alex Mason


DC Comics Cancels Another Series, But Instead Of A Digital First Approach, It Goes Right To Collected Edition!

DC Comics Cancels Another Series, But Instead Of A Digital First Approach, It Goes Right To Collected Edition!

The following has been reported:

After completing its periodical publication with issue #18, released on March 18, DC’s Lucifer #19-24 will be released directly as a collected edition, or in this case an OGN. Writer Dan Watters and artist Sebastian Fiumara’s planned story will reportedly not be changed aside from switching to the collected format.

“At last, the devil goes to hell,” reads DC’s original solicitation for Lucifer #20, with #21’s solicit saying “Lucifer trespasses into the garden of Destiny of the Endless, but for what nefarious purpose? Nothing less than tearing a page from the Book of Destiny itself.”

The follows the surprise cancellation of an event spin-off mini-series as well as the cancellation of 18 books Dollar Comics line titles and 4 from the Facsimile line.

Sad news for Lucifer fans above, but a nice way to end the run.


What the World Was Watching: ECW Hardcore TV – January 31, 1995

Footage shows fans in Fort Lauderdale tossing chairs into the ring at the end of the ECW show there.

Joey Styles says that tonight’s show is coming from Orlando, Florida. He hypes the “new” Tully Blanchard that is coming for Shane Douglas’ ECW title.

ECW Champion Shane Douglas cuts a promo by a hotel pool. Douglas meanders before saying Blanchard was a hypocrite telling people not to do drugs and yet he did cocaine behind the scenes. He says he is addicted to the ECW title and he is not going to give it up. Douglas also puts over how he, Dean Malenko, and Chris Benoit are now the Triple Threat and will be a challenge to anyone in the promotion.

ECW Tag Team Championship Match: The Public Enemy (Champions) beat Sabu & the Tazmaniac (w/Paul E. Dangerously & 911) when Rocco Rock pins the Tazmaniac after knocking him off the top rope and through a table at 8:52:

Sabu and the Tazmaniac put the Enemy on their heels, but just like Holiday Hell the referee has a hard time getting into position to count falls when Sabu hits a moonsault and the Tazmaniac covers Rocco Rock after a Tazplex. Lots of weapons are used and the combatants brawl into the crowd. What this match proves is that doing a tag match without tags is hard because there is no sustained heat segment to engage the crowd. A table is set up in the ring by Sabu and the Tazmanic and Johnny Grunge is laid on top of it, but Rock saves his partner. As Sabu uses 911’s help to put Grunge on a table on the floor, Rock knocks the Tazmaniac off the top rope and through a table to help the Enemy retain the titles. This was a mess. Rating: *

After the bell, Sabu puts Grunge through the outside table with a somersault leg drop. Rock hits 911 in the back with a chair, so 911 does not sell it and chokeslams him. Referee Pee Wee Moore gets chokeslammed as well.

Styles interviews Paul E. Dangerously, who says that the Enemy are going to go through tables at the next ECW Arena show. He vows to send the Enemy back to the hood.

In an empty classroom, Raven says that childhood is not kind to misfits and leaves them with a scar that refuses to fade. Raven warns Tommy Dreamer that he will return to the classroom of his youth and this time he will not graduate. After the promo, the camera turns to the classroom’s chalkboard where “I hate Dreamer” has been written more than ten times.

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Cactus Jack beats the Sandman (w/Woman) (0-1) after a Cactus elbow drop at 9:10:

One of the world’s most noted hardcore wrestlers, Jack came to ECW after finishing a three-year run with WCW in 1994. He won the promotion’s tag team titles with Mikey Whipwreck twice before settling into a feud with the Sandman over who the company’s best brawler was. The match is a fun mix of wrestling and brawling, with the Sandman nearly finishing Jack after a Bitchin’ Leg Drop off the top rope as a trash can lay over Jack’s face. And then Jack’s hand is hurt when he goes to punch the Sandman but hits the trash can instead. The trash can gets used so much that it is flat as a pancake by the end of the bout. Just when it looks like things are dire for Jack, the Sandman misses a dive and flies over the top rope, allowing the Cactus Elbow Drop to finish on the arena floor. Rating: ***

After the match, Woman hits Jack with a Singapore cane. Jack no sells it but the Sandman comes in and beats Jack with a cane several times to get his heat back. Cactus bleeds as the Sandman continues to land blows and then the Sandman lights a cigarette and tries to use it to put out Jack’s eye. With only one good hand, Jack looks like a goner until Mikey Whipwreck makes the save by caning the Sandman.

Following a commercial break, the Sandman and Woman are in the backstage area. The Sandman beats himself with a cane as Woman tells Jack that she is going to turn Jack into the Sandman.

A bloodied Jack tells the Sandman that he used to have pride seeing him wrestle because he reminded him of himself. In an awesome promo, Jack tells the Sandman that he has lost his edge and that he needs to stop caring about others. He challenges the Sandman to a Texas death match, where if Jack loses, he will walk away from wrestling forever.

The Last Word: The last half of this broadcast was awesome, with Cactus Jack and the Sandman having a fun brawl and Jack cutting an intense promo to crystalize why and the Sandman are so hell bent on destroying each other. ECW could not have asked for a better show to hook new fans or get them invested in the Jack-Sandman angle.

Before the Double Tables show at ECW Arena on February 4, which will be recapped next, the company did a house show in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. Here were the results of that show (courtesy of

Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania – The Flagstaff – February 3, 1995 (400): 911 defeated the Young Dragons in a handicap match…Stevie Richards beat Dino Sendoff…ECW Champion Shane Douglas beat Mikey Whipwreck…Chris Benoit wrestles the Tazmaniac to a no contest…Tommy Dreamer beat the Sandman…ECW Tag Team Champions the Public Enemy defeated JT Smith & Hack Myers…Sabu beat Al Snow.

Backstage News*: WCW took a shot at ECW on its Worldwide program this week when it said that SuperBrawl V was going to be at the Baltimore Arena and not a bingo hall.

*After closing a deal to get the promotion on television in Birmingham, Alabama, ECW is hoping to get access to the New Orleans market, possibly running television tapings and house shows at a casino there.

*In talent relations news, Terry Funk and D.C. Drake have been contacted to come into the promotion to feud with Cactus Jack.

*Backstage news is provided courtesy of Dave Meltzer’s Wrestling Observer for February 13.

Up Next: ECW: Double Tables!
