The Suicide Squad Cast Is Coming to the DC FanDome Virtual Event This Summer #wanitaxigo

6 Marvel Characters Who Probably Would Ruin The MCU

These characters just wouldn't work within Marvel Studios carefully crafted universe.


Blumhouse’s Dracula Director Karyn Kusama Reveals What's Going To Be Different About The New Movie

Here's a little bite into how The Invitation director is approaching the reboot.


Wonder Woman 1984: First Proper Look At Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah Makeup

A partial look at Kristen Wiig's Cheetah in the film Wonder Woman 1984 has been revealed thanks to a sticker pack.Originally supposed to release last year, Wonder Woman 1984 is the sequel to thecritically acclaimed Wonder Woman film, which earned over $800 million at the box office. Set in 1984, the film will focus on Wonder Woman (the returning Gal Gadot) dealing with powerful businessman Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal) and her co-worker Barbara Ann Minerva. Chris Pine's Steve Trevor will also be back for the sequel, despite sacrificing himself in the first film.

Making her first appearance in 1943, Cheetah is regarded as one of Wonder Woman's longest lasting rivals in her rogues gallery. Fans already know the Wonder Woman 1984 take on Cheetah will show her to be a shy woman fueled by low self-esteem, which eventually leads to her Cheetah transformation. It's also expected Maxwell Lord will play a role, as photos have shown the two will be close and likely even in a romantic relationship.

Related: How to Watch Every DCEU Movie Online

One of Wonder Woman 1984's biggest mysteries has been Cheetah's appearance after she transforms. Now, DCEU Updates on Twitter has another clue, thanks to images from a sticker pack showing Wiig in her Cheetah makeup. The look is quite extreme, with a slightly yellow face, black lines, and elongated ears. While fans have been given some ideas as to what Cheetah will look like (thanks to toys, Halloween costumes, and the like), this is one of the first clear looks at her in movie-ready condition. Check it out below:

Even though fans has seen teases here or there of Cheetah's look post-transformation, they have yet to see it in action. The trailers and official photos for Wonder Woman 1984 have intentionally left it out. As this point, it seems likely fans won't see footage of Wiig's Cheetah post-transformation until the movie comes out in October. This is smart on DC's part, as it will make for an exciting moment when fans finally get to see the film.

Cheetah has had a wide variety of appearances over the years, so time will tell if this approach to the character will hold up as well as some of her other iconic appearances. Wiig has had plenty of experience acting, and it will be interesting seeing how an actor who has mostly been in comedic roles will play a villain known for her rage and brutality. DC movies have generally been praised for their makeup (with Suicide Squad even winning an Oscar for it), so if there are any faults with Wonder Woman 1984, it feels likely makeup and character design will not be one of them.

Next: Wonder Woman Needs A Modern DCEU Movie After 1984

Source: DCEU Updates/Twitter


Little Devil Inside Allegedly Racist Character Design Is Being Changed

After receiving backlash from their potential playerbase, Neostream Interactive has vowed to change a character design in their upcoming game Little Devil Insidethat many have claimed to be racist. This came mere hours after the game came under fire after its announcement at thePS5 online reveal event on June 11th, prompting a quick and hopefully proportional developer response.

The PS5 reveal stream last week was packed with no less than 26 games that would be coming to the PS5 between its release and 2022. Among the giants of Spider-Man: Miles Morales and yet another Grand Theft Auto V port, viewers were treated to a trailer of the ambitious crowdfunded game Little Devil Inside, whose PS5 exclusivity was news to even backers. With a sleek art style and charming sense of humor, Little Devil Inside held its ground amongst its more well-funded competition during the showcase, but an insensitive enemy design choice marred the game's exhibition.

Related: PS5: All 38 Games Confirmed To Release & When

Would-be fans of the game took to Twitter to voice their concerns and outrage over a masked enemy design, tiny tribespeople with dark skin, dreadlocks, and masks with prominent red lips shown in the game's reveal trailer. The following day, Neostream Interactive made a statement via the Facebook, apologizing to anyone they might have offended and stating that they would be making a number of adjustments to the design and that "if it ends up not being suitable to the game as a whole, [they] may change the design entirely." Read disappointed viewer reactions below:

The issues surrounding this character design doesn't just stop with the design itself, however, but becomes more problematic in the context of the game. The trailer shows a number of monstrous enemy types that the player is seen discovering, running from, or fighting, but these afro-tribal caricatures are the only humans the player character is seen interacting with in the same manner. Oversight or not, it's an innate comparison of real-world stereotypes to the inhuman monsters that gamers are used to battling. Combine this with a setting that seems to draw inspiration from the Age of Discovery (famous for its plunder of indigenous peoples' wealth and cultures) and the thoroughly bad taste left in viewers' mouths makes even greater sense.

Neostream Interactive made the right choice by listening to their fanbase, having responded quickly and accordingly. They didn't try to assign blame, instead choosing to own the mistake and promising to right it. This kind of transparency and communication from developers is commendable and welcome in an age of predatory business practices by publishers of larger games, especially during the current sociopolitical moment. Aside from the problematic design of this one enemy type, Little Devil Inside looks like it will give players a balanced experience of survival and adventure, and is set to release on PlayStation consoles and PC.

Next: Amazon Leaks Potential PS5 Games From Rockstar, Konami, & Over 100 More

Source: Neostream InteractiveMorbi, LordBalvin


Django Unchained: Django's 14 Greatest Quotes | ScreenRant

Of all the iconic characters he’s created, Quentin Tarantino feels a special connection to Django, the slave who became a bounty hunter with perfect aim and used his newfound abilities to liberate his fellow slaves.

RELATED:Django Unchained's 10 Best Action Scenes, Ranked

Tarantino has never made a sequel to any of his movies, but his script for The Hateful Eight began as a sequel to Django Unchained, he̢۪s announced his intention to write a series of sequel novels continuing Django̢۪s story, and he̢۪s written an official sequel in the form of a comic book that is currently being adapted into a movie.

Updated on June 15th, 2020 by Ben Sherlock: Despite the acclaim received by Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Django Freeman is arguably still Quentin Tarantino̢۪s most beloved hero. Jerrod Carmichael has reportedly been hired to turn the comic book sequel to Django Unchained, which paired up the slave-turned-bounty hunter with the swashbuckling icon Zorro, into a script for a movie. That movie could fall into the rut of development hell, or it could turn into something spectacular. In the meantime, we̢۪ve updated this list with a few new entries.

14 â€Å“I Count Two Guns.â€

Apparently, this line wasn̢۪t in the original script. While the cast and crew were shooting the final showdown, someone noticed that Django had already fired six shots throughout the scene and brought this to Quentin Tarantino̢۪s attention.

The writer-director disappeared into his trailer for a few minutes and returned with two newly written lines: one for Stephen withâ€Å“I count six shots,†and a retort for Django, â€Å“I count two guns.â€

13 â€Å“What Kind Of Dentist Are You?â€

There are plenty of great duos in Tarantino’s filmography – Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega, Mr. White and Mr. Orange, Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth etc. – but arguably the most iconic is the team of Django and Dr. King Schultz.

In the opening scene, as Django is being marched through the woods with a chain gang, Dr. Schultz rolls up in a stagecoach with a giant tooth on it. When Django sees Dr. Schultz killing people for money, the question has to be asked: â€Å“What kind of dentist are you?â€

12 â€Å“Cora, Before You Go, Will You Tell Miss Lara Goodbye?â€

When Lara, Stephen, Billy Crash, and the rest of Calvin Candie’s closest loved ones return from his funeral, Django is waiting in the house for their arrival. He tells Cora, one of Lara’s slaves, to tell her â€Å“goodbye†before leaving.

A little confused, Cora says, â€Å“Bye, Miss Lara.†And, quick as a whip, Django shoots Lara in the chest and sends her flying into the next room. Then, Django tells Cora to â€Å“run along now†and she leaves the house in a hurry.

11 â€Å“It’s Me, Baby...â€

When Django comes to rescue Broomhilda forthe second time, she cowers in fear as the door swings open, revealing Djangoâ€Â™s silhouette. For all she knows, her captors are back for another horrific assault.

But the soothing voice of her husband assures her that sheâ€Â™s in safe hands when he says, â€ÂœItâ€Â™s me, baby.â€Â Upon hearing Djangoâ€Â™s voice, she lets out a huge sigh of relief.

10 â€ÂœYou Didnâ€Â™t Mention Kneecapping.â€Â

Like most of Tarantinoâ€Â™s movies, Django Unchained is an ode to the satisfaction of a good revenge plot. When Django returns to Calvin Candieâ€Â™s plantation, he canâ€Â™t wait to dole out some retribution to Stephen, Calvinâ€Â™s house slave, who tortured Django.

When he captured Django, Stephen said that heâ€Â™d seen all kinds of things done to slaves. What Django noticed is that he didnâ€Â™t mention kneecapping. And after pointing this out to him, he shoots Stephen in the kneecap.

9 â€ÂœIâ€Â™m curious what makes you so curious.â€Â

The acting in Django Unchained is incredible. Not only do the actors give terrific performances in their roles, they also have brilliant chemistry with one another and build real relationships on the screen. For example, Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz developed a real friendship as Django and his mentor Dr. Schultz. And the tension is palpable in the scenes between Foxx and Leonardo DiCaprio where Django is trying to hide the fact that heâ€Â™s not really a black slaver and Calvin is trying to figure out Djangoâ€Â™s deal. This line is a perfect example of that, as the two are constantly trying to one-up each other.

8 â€ÂœYâ€Â™all gonna be together with Calvin in the by-and-by...just a bit sooner than yâ€Â™all was expecting!â€Â

In the final scene of Django Unchained, the title character is waiting at Calvin Candieâ€Â™s house for the mourners to return from his funeral. He hears them singing the classical Christian hymn â€ÂœIn the Sweet By-and-By,â€Â a song about losing a loved one and promising to meet them â€Âœin the sweet by-and-byâ€Â (in other words, in the sweet embrace of death when they, too, die). So, he starts singing along and theyâ€Â™re shocked to see him. He tells them that all of them will, in fact, be meeting Calvin â€Âœin the by-and-byâ€Â â€Â“ immediately, because he is about to kill them.

7 â€ÂœYou better listen to your boss, white boy!â€Â

When Django is a guest of Calvin Candieâ€Â™s, he can pretty much get away with anything, because Calvin isnâ€Â™t going to order his guys to do anything to him. He takes advantage of this, yanking one of Calvinâ€Â™s men off his horse and getting away with it scot free, and uses it to talk down to the white people who really, really hate him for it â€Â“ particularly Billy Crash.

RELATED: 'Django Unchained' Review

One of the important points made by Django Unchained is that the white slavers werenâ€Â™t just following orders or a product of their time, which some people try to use to defend them â€Â“ they really were vicious racists who judged people based on the color of their skin and nothing else.

6 â€ÂœLetâ€Â™s get out of here.â€Â

This is Djangoâ€Â™s final line in the movie. Heâ€Â™s finally managed to save his wife Broomhilda, heâ€Â™s burned down Calvin Candieâ€Â™s house after killing all of his friends, family, and employees, and now, heâ€Â™s atop his horse, ready to ride off into the sunset with the love of his life. At first, they stick around to watch the house burn and enjoy their long-awaited reunion. But then Django simply says they should get out of there and they ride off together. The final lines of Tarantino movies are always memorable. In fact, Pulp Fiction ends with a similar exchange to this one. Vincent says, â€ÂœI think we oughtta leave now,â€Â to which Jules replies, â€ÂœThatâ€Â™s probably a good idea.â€Â

5 â€ÂœKill white folks and they pay you for it? Whatâ€Â™s not to like?â€Â

Jamie Foxx generated some controversy during the promotional tour for Django Unchained when he appeared on Saturday Night Live and said in his monologue, â€ÂœI kill all the white people in the movie, how great is that?â€Â But come on, the white people in the movie are slave owners, so the fact that he enjoys killing them is sort of justified. He even says a version of that quote in the movie as Dr. Schultz introduces him to the bounty hunting business. The dentist asks him if he enjoys the bounty hunter trade and he says thereâ€Â™s no downside to getting paid to â€Âœkill white folks.â€Â

4 â€ÂœHey, little troublemaker.â€Â

This is what Django says to his wife Broomhilda that makes her faint in Calvin Candieâ€Â™s house. Heâ€Â™s the last person she was expecting to see, as theyâ€Â™d been torn apart after an escape attempt and sold off to different plantations. She had no idea the kind of adventure heâ€Â™d been on, getting freed by a dentist and being trained as a bounty hunter and leading the charge to Candieâ€Â™s plantation to rescue her. He utters this line a few times in the movie, but the first time, when she faints and Dr. Schultz calls Django a â€Âœsilver-tongued devil,â€Â is the best-known.

3 â€ÂœDâ€Â™Artagnan, motherf****rs!â€Â

This is Djangoâ€Â™s battle cry when he bursts into a room full of runaway slave catchers with his guns drawn and blows them all away. In the third act of Django Unchained, after losing his mentor to Calvin Candie, failing to rescue his wife, and getting sold off to some Australian mining company, Django once again breaks away from his shackles and goes on a rampage across the Deep South. His primary quest is to save his wife, but if he gets the chance to kill some of his oppressors along the way, thatâ€Â™s just dessert. Itâ€Â™s the most action-packed segment of the movie.

2 â€ÂœI like the way you die, boy.â€Â

What Django does best is reword things that people have said to him later on when heâ€Â™s exacting his revenge against them. For example, when he comes across â€ÂœBig Johnâ€Â Brittle, played by M.C. Gainey, he remembers that he once pleaded with him not to whip his wife.

RELATED: Will Smith Explains Why He Turned Down 'Django Unchained'

Big John sadistically said to him, â€ÂœI like the way you beg, boy.â€Â So, now that he has the opportunity to have his vengeance, he gets Big Johnâ€Â™s whip and uses it to beat the hell out of him. Then he kills him and tells him, â€ÂœI like the way you die, boy.â€Â

1 â€ÂœD-J-A-N-G-O. The D is silent.â€Â

There was a cosmic rightness with Franco Neroâ€Â™s cameo appearance in Django Unchained. He previously played Django in a series of spaghetti westerns for Sergio Corbucci â€Â“ the series that inspired Tarantino to have a crack at the genre and name his lead character Django â€Â“ so it made sense that after Jamie Foxxâ€Â™s new version of Django told him that the D in his name was silent, he had the perfect response: â€ÂœI know.â€Â Nero technically wasnâ€Â™t playing Django; rather, he was playing an original character named Amerigo Vessepi. This was the spaghetti western fanâ€Â™s alternative of Stan Leeâ€Â™s cameos in MCU movies.

NEXT: The Most Memorable Quote From Each Quentin Tarantino Movie, Ranked


Justice League Snyder Cut May Explore Dick Grayson Robin's Death

More may be revealed about the death of the DC Extended Universe’s Robin, Dick Grayson, in Zack Snyder’sJustice League. Although Robin has not appeared in the DCEU, inBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, fans see his suit. Robinâ€Â™s armor is covered in graffiti that reads, â€ÂœHahaha jokeâ€Â™s on you Batman.â€Â The moment led to speculation that this version of Robin was murdered by the Joker.

At first, it was unclear which version of Robin from the comics the film was referring to. Given how Robin is infamously beaten and blown up by the Joker in â€ÂœA Death in the Family,â€Â many naturally assumed the DCEU's Robin was Jason Todd. However, it was eventually revealed that Dick Grayson, not Jason Todd was killed by the Joker in Snyder's vision for the characters. In the comics, Dick Grayson takes on the mantel of Robin before eventually becoming Nightwing and in many ways, Batmanâ€Â™s successor.

Related: Why You Shouldn't Expect Multiple Robins in the DCEU

Dick Graysonâ€Â™s death is very much uncharted territory and something fans want to know more about. Snyder was asked on Vero (via Heroic Hollywood) whether his version of Justice League will explore Dick Graysonâ€Â™s death. Specifically, a fan asked, "did you have plans to dive deeper into the background of Dick's death in your future movies? Maybe JL?" Snyder responded, "a hint in JL," suggesting the Snyder Cut of Justice League may explore the topic.

Once a rumor, now a reality, Snyder's Justice League will be coming to HBO Max in 2021. The original post-production crew is reuniting to complete the score, dialogue, and visual effects on Snyder's rough cut from 2017. Snyder had originally envisioned a Justice League that was much longer than the theatrical release. Thanks in large part to viral demand for the Snyder Cut, the director can now realize his vision as either one 4-hour film or multiple TV episodes.

When Joss Whedon took over for Snyder in 2017, it had a dramatic effect on the DCEU. Whedonâ€Â™s final product left much to be desired; his Justice League didnâ€Â™t feel like a faithful part of Snyderâ€Â™s planned arc. At this point, the DCEU feels largely dissembled, with films like The Batman and Black Adam shaping up to be spiritual resets. Before the announcement of Snyderâ€Â™s Justice League, the Robin Easter egg from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice seemed like a moot point. Any plans Snyder had for Carrie Kelleyâ€Â™s Robin or a Nightwing movie appeared to have been scrapped. But, even if Dick Grayson doesnâ€Â™t have a future beyond Snyderâ€Â™s Justice League, hopefully fans will learn more about his demise.

More: How Justice League Can Bring Back A Forgotten Man Of Steel Plot Point

Source: Zack Snyder (via Heroic Hollywood)
