Captain America Star Credits Marvel Movie Success On One Common Denominator

Chris Evans opened up about what he thinks makes the Marvel Cinematic Universe so successful. Evanshas played Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, for almost a decade. The actor also has an extensive film career outside of the MCU, includingKnives Out, Not Another Teen Movie, and Sunshine. Since embodying this superhero persona, Steve Rogers appeared in The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019).

Marvel Studios started the MCU with a small cameo at the end of 2008's The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man that same year. From the seeds of those two movies, Marvel Studios cultivated a beautiful (and lucrative) garden of 23 films (and counting). Each release, except for a few, has been bigger and better received than the last. There are plenty of components that make Marvel movies box office hits. The films have A-list actors like Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, and Robert Downey Jr and have an equally strong creative team behind them. Additionally, the films bring to huge target groups, comic book readers, and action movie fans, together.

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Evans sat down with The Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcast and revealed the secret serum that gives the MCU its power. Evans believes there is one key ingredient that makes the serum as powerful as it is—an ingredient powerful enough to land Marvel 5 of the highest-rated movies of 2019 with Avengers: End Game as the top-grossing film of the year. Evans accredits Marvel's success to the president of Marvel Studios, producer Kevin Feige.

"The buck stops with Kevin Feige, doesn't it? I mean, it must. It'd be one thing if there were a few good Marvel movies and then a few stinkers. It'd be one thing if every other shop in town was making the hits as effortlessly as Marvel was But it's just not happening that way. I guess when you start to collect the data and figure out what's the common denominator, I really think it must be Kevin Feige. He doesn’t let things be bad."

Evans credits Feige not only for the MCU's success but also the success of his own acting career. During the podcast interview, Evans confessed that he struggled with his mental health during his career. While filming Puncture (2010), he began suffering from panic attacks, which made him doubt his acting ability. During this time, Feige invited him to audition for the role of Steve Rogers in the first Captain America. However, due to this alarming decline in his mental health, Evans initially turned down the role. Feige was persistent, offering the opportunity to audition several times and eventually flat-out offered Evans the character— an offer Evans could not deny. Evans calls it the best decision he ever made and that he "owes it to [Marvel chief] Kevin Feige for being persistent and helping me avoid making a giant mistake."

It is fair to say that the chief of Marvel has a hand in all of its success. Feige made all the right shots when it came to the order that the movies are released, which actor will embody each iconic hero and even partnering with Disney. However, the success of a franchise this large is a team effort.

Related: Why Chris Evans Won't Return As Captain America

Source: THR

