DC Comics Teases Return Of Someone Calling Herself Superwoman! Lana Lang, Lois Lane Or Someone Else? Superman #25 Spoilers!

DC Comics Teases Return Of Someone Calling Herself Superwoman!

Lana Lang, Lois Lane Or Someone Else? Superman #25 Spoilers follows!

Writer Brian Michael Bendis revealed the below image from the upcoming Superman #25 teasing the return of a Superwoman.

The image came with this text:

No one loves superman day more than me, but I gotta tell ya… I’m pretty excited about superwoman day. Whaaaa?? Coming soon in superman 25 the double sized blockbuster featuring the return of @ivanreisart and #lanalang #superman #superwoman @dccomics @thedcnation @superman

Superman #25 hits stands on September 8, 2020.


source https://insidepulse.com/2020/06/15/dc-comics-teases-return-of-someone-calling-herself-superwoman-lana-lang-lois-lane-or-someone-else-superman-25-spoilers/
