Real Life Spider-Man Cleans Graffiti After Twin Cities Protests

A real-lifeSpider-Mancleans graffiti after protests in the Twin Cities. Everyone's favorite neighborhood superhero came to life in a poignant image after one of the many protests rocking the nation.Uncle Ben would likely be proud of the real-life Spidey. With great power comes great responsibility and a need for superheroes, especially during the current crisis rocking the United States.

Protests erupted around America after the death of George Floyd last week. A viral video depicted Floyd being held captive under the knee of a white police officer for nearly nine minutes. Americans were outraged that the officer didn't take his knee off of Floyd, even after Floyd appeared utterly non-responsive. Unfortunately, some outliers have turned generally peaceful protests into riots and looting, which led to many cities in dire need of a cleanup crew. Enter Peter Parker.

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A man dressed as Spider-Man was captured in a great photo on Twitter. What makes the picture poignant is the fact that Spider-Man can be seen sweeping up after a protest in the Twin Cities, where the inciting incident with Floyd and the police officer occurred. The masked man in question isn't calling any attention to himself, just doing what superheroes do best â€Â” helping and protecting the populace. Check out the photo below.

As seen with the coronavirus pandemic and now the protests, the real world, and the entertainment world often collide in utterly unexpected ways. After all, Batman was spotted at a protest in Philadelphia, which elicited huge and hopeful cheers from the protestors. Even the Elmo in flames meme became involved after a demonstrator wearing an Elmo costume struck poses that brought a whole new meaning to the term, "hellmo." Many celebrities have also become involved with the protests, with actors like John Cusack sharing a video of his own altercation with police in Chicago. Streaming giants like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and HBO have also posted statements supporting the Black Lives Matter movement on their respective social media pages. What's great about the Spider-Man picture, however, is how quiet it is amongst the chaos. Images like Spider-Man helping to clean up the city can be a vital dose of desperately needed hope in trying times.

The next Spider-Man movie isn't set to premiere until November 5th, 2021. While many film were delayed due to the coronavirus, it's nice to see real-life superheroes stepping up to the plate in the interim. When real-world issues collide with superheroes that fans are familiar with, a glimmer of hope is bound to happen. And that's what the world needs now, more than ever.

Next: 2021 Is The Year Of Spider-Man Movies

Source: Twitter

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