This Daredevil Supervillain Is The NEW Protector of Hell's Kitchen

This article contains spoilers forDaredevil #20.

Daredevil just teamed up with Hell's Kitchen's most unlikely protector - Typhoid Mary. A classic Marvel villain, Typhoid Mary is one of Daredevil's most disturbing foes. Abused as a child, Typhoid Mary developed dissociative identity disorder, meaning several different personas war within her mind. Making matters worse, she's a dangerous mutant with a combination of telekinetic and pyrokinetic abilities. All this makes her one seriously unstable individual.

The relationship between Daredevil and Typhoid Mary has always been a complicated one. Although she's frequently worked for the Kingpin, Mary developed an attraction to Daredevil. He used this against her, seducing her and tricking her into bed; feeling safe, she reverted to her baseline "Mary" persona, and Daredevil then had her taken away in a straitjacket. She's crossed paths with countless superheroes over the years, even becoming a member of the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants in order to take on the X-Men. One of her most disturbing stories saw her befriend Mary Jane Watson, Spider-Man's wife, and the wall-crawler persuaded her to seek treatment.

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When Kingpin became Mayor of New York, he decided to give Mary a chance of peace. He transformed her into Sister Elizabeth, one of the nuns of Hell's Kitchen, where she did indeed find a measure of happiness. Until this week's Daredevil #20, that is, when the Stromwyn twins - rich developers - send a squad of super-villains to level Hell's Kitchen. The violence awakens Typhoid Mary once again, but to Daredevil's surprise, she doesn't wreak havoc. Rather, she stands in defense of Hell's Kitchen, preventing the Rhino leveling the church.

All this leads to one of the most unexpected team-ups of Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto's run so far, as Daredevil and Typhoid Mary work together to keep the church safe. Mary's pyrokinesis isn't strong enough to hurt Rhino, but it causes him to lose his temper and chase her. She leads Rhino to the docks, using her telepathy to keep him focused entirely upon her, and tricks him into the river. Unfortunately, it turns out Rhino can swim, and he's soon giving chase to Typhoid Mary once again.

Typhoid Mary isn't enough to save the day, but she gives Daredevil the breathing space he needs to concentrate and figure out how to win his greatest victory. Soon, the Man Without Fear is taking on a team of villains more dangerous than ever before, standing in defense of Hell's Kitchen once again. And without Typhoid Mary, he'd never have been able to win.

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