What film did you watch knowing nothing about going in, but were gob-smacked by how much you enjoyed it?

I've had it happen a few times, most explicitly with Withnail & I, which I found at a good DVD rental shop, never had heard of it before, but was familiar with George Harrison's Hand Made Films for Time Bandits & their other film with Richard E Grant, How to Get Ahead in Advertising. So I went from never hearing of Withnail & I to it being maybe my most loved film in a matter of hours.

Evil Dead 2, & Raising Arizona were similar. But with each I had heard the title before, and had misconceptions of what the film might be.

Altered States was like Evil Dead 2 for me, in that I assumed it was just a typical horror film, not a Paddy Chayefsky/Ken Russel mind fuck, and I was only god damn 13!. Ha. So good...

submitted by /u/fanamana
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