Tenet | Latest Bollywood Movie Trailer | New Movie Trailers - Bollywood Hungama

TENET is the story of a secret agent fighting for the survival of the entire world from an unbelievable threat. An unnamed CIA agent, the ‘Protagonist’ (John David Washington) takes up the identity of SWAT soldiers and along with his team mates, participate in an undercover operation at an opera house in Kiev, Ukraine. The Protagonist’s mission is to rescue a target and acquire an unknown package. Sadly, the mission fails for him and he is captured. He is tortured and forced to reveal his identity and his organization. The Protagonist, however, choses to die by consuming a pill of cyanide. Luckily, he doesn’t lose his life. It is revealed that the mission was a fake and was conducted to test his loyalty. Having passed the test, he is employed by a secret organization called Tenet. He is taken to a research facility where Laura (Clémence Poésy) informs him that they have come across several objects whose entropy has been reversed and are moving back in time. The Protagonist, obviously, gets confused and she explains the concept to him by making him fire inverted bullets. The Protagonist is surprised that instead of hitting the target, the inverted bullets jump out of the target and move backward to enter the gun. She also informs him that these objects are from the future and that this phenomenon can threaten their present and also their past. In order to get more information on these bullets, the Protagonist reaches Mumbai. Here, he takes the help of a local contact, Neil (Robert Pattinson), in getting an audience with Sanjay Singh (Denzil Smith), an arms dealer. Neil says that won’t possible and that they’ll have to infiltrate his mansion. The Protagonist agrees and both secretly enter his house and capture Sanjay. However, it comes to light that Sanjay is just a front and that it is his wife Priya Singh (Dimple Kapadia) who calls the shots. She tells the Protagonist that her ammunition was purchased and possibly time-inverted by a Russian oligarch, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh). The Protagonist then goes to London to meet Sir Michael Crosby (Michael Caine) who advises him that he should contact Andrei’s wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) and through her, he can establish contact with the oligarch. Kat is an art appraiser who recently had sold a fake Goya painting to her husband. The Protagonist decides to follow the same route. He approaches her with another fake Goya, hoping that she’ll use it to introduce him to Andrei. However, she reveals to him that after she sold the forged painting to Andrei, he found out the truth and has used it to blackmail and control her. The Protagonist then decides to steal the painting that she sold him from the place where it’s stored – a Freeport at Oslo airport, Norway. With the help of a pilot, Mahir (Himesh Patel), they get an airplane to crash at the Freeport facility and make it seem like a case of unknown robbers trying to rob gold bars from the aircraft. The Protagonist and Neil use this attack as an opportunity to infiltrate the facility to steal the forged painting. As they enter the facility and get busy with their work, they suddenly get attacked by two mysterious SWAT members who emerge from a strange revolving door. What’s more, one of them is inverted and is moving backwards in time! What happens next forms the rest of the film.
